Contact Us

Whether it’s a query, a recommendation, or a media-related question, we’re here to assist. Below are the methods to get in touch with us.

Email Us

Feel free to drop us an email at any of the listed addresses, based on your specific query:

[email protected]: General information inquiries.

[email protected]: For media inquiries or press releases.

[email protected]: For job applicants and recruitment.

[email protected]: For business partnership inquiries.

[email protected]: For collecting user feedback and suggestions.

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Phone and Address

Feel free to drop us an email at any of the listed addresses, based on your specific query:

9030 N Hess St #1020
Hayden Lake, ID 83835

+1 (208) 209-3394


Frequently Asked Questions

Before you contact us, you might want to check out our FAQ section, where we answer some of the most common questions we get from our readers. If you don’t find your answer, please contact us using any of the above methods. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • What is’s primary focus? is dedicated to providing resources and information on survival, emergency preparedness, blackouts, and power outages to help individuals and communities stay safe during unforeseen circumstances.

  • What should I do if I face an emergency situation discussed on your site?

    If you find yourself in an emergency or blackout situation, it’s crucial to stay calm and prioritize safety. While our website offers guidance and tips, always consult local authorities or professionals in emergencies. Remember, our content is informational, and it’s essential to rely on professional advice during crises.

  • Do you welcome suggestions on topics related to survival and emergency preparedness?

    Absolutely! We always appreciate input from our readers. If you have a topic or specific area related to survival, blackouts, or emergency preparedness you’d like us to cover, please email us at [email protected]. While we can’t promise to cover every suggestion, we certainly value and consider our reader’s feedback.

  • How can I advertise my emergency preparedness product on

    For advertising inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]. We offer a range of advertising solutions tailored to your brand’s objectives. Our team is eager to explore potential collaborations and sponsorships.

  • How can I contribute or share my personal experience related to blackouts?

    We value community input! If you have a story or experience you’d like to share, please contact us at [email protected].

  • Are there any partnership opportunities available with

    Yes, we’re always open to exploring new partnerships. If you’re interested, please reach out to [email protected].

  • I’m a journalist. How can I get more information for a story I’m working on?

    For media inquiries or press releases, please contact [email protected].

  • How can I provide feedback on the website or content?

    We appreciate any feedback to improve our platform. Please send your suggestions and feedback to [email protected].

  • How can I support

    We’re grateful for your interest in supporting our mission! Here’s how you can help:
    1. Spread the word by sharing our articles and resources with friends and on social media.
    2. If we recommend products, consider using our affiliate links. It won’t cost you extra, but we might earn a small commission.
    3. Share your feedback and ideas at [email protected].
    4. Engage with our content on social media – every like, comment, and share helps us reach more people.