The Do’s and Don’ts – Foods Not To Use Oxygen Absorbers With

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Mike Roth

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foods not to use oxygen absorbers with

Oxygen absorbers are game-changers in the world of food storage. They’re like little food preservation superheroes, swooping in to extend the shelf life of various edibles and maintain their freshness. However, much like any superhero, they too have their kryptonite – certain foods that they simply can’t work their magic on.

Understanding the limitations of using an oxygen absorber is a must-have skill for anyone serious about food storage and safety. Misusing them could lead to spoiled food, wasted resources, and even health risks like food poisoning. So, let’s delve into the mystery of oxygen absorbers and discover which foods not to use oxygen absorbers with.

What Exactly Are Oxygen Absorbers?

The Oxygen absorber will play a crucial role in prolonging the shelf life of food and preserving its quality. They are typically small packets or sachets that contain iron powder, salt, or activated carbon. When included in food packaging, these absorbers actively remove the oxygen present in the package, creating an anaerobic environment.

The science behind oxygen absorbers is rooted in a chemical reaction known as oxidation. The primary component within oxygen absorbers is iron powder. Oxygen molecules in the packaging environment react with the iron to form iron oxide. This reaction creates a vacuum-like effect, depleting oxygen levels within the package.

Role of The Oxygen Absorber in Food Storage

Oxygen is a primary contributor to food spoilage, as it supports the growth of bacteria, molds, and yeasts. This spoilage process prompts changes in food color, texture, flavor, and nutritional value. The Oxygen absorber mitigates these issues by removing oxygen from the food packaging, thus preventing the growth of spoilage-causing organisms, delaying lipid oxidation, and maintaining product quality for an extended duration.

An Oxygen absorber will work best in sealed packaging, preventing the re-entry of oxygen. Therefore, appropriate packaging materials and techniques must be employed for optimal efficiency.

Silica gel and oxygen absorbers are not exactly the same thing. The Oxygen absorber removes oxygen, while silica gel packets are a desiccant and absorb excess moisture.


An Oxygen absorber is highly efficient in preventing oxidation and preserving the freshness, flavor, and color of perishable goods. They help extend shelf life by inhibiting the growth of aerobic microorganisms such as mold and bacteria. Their effectiveness depends on factors like the absorber’s capacity, the volume of the container, and proper sealing.


An Oxygen absorber requires an airtight environment to function optimally, as exposure to air reduces their efficiency. It is also essential to ensure that oxygen-sensitive products are packaged with appropriate oxygen barrier materials to complement the absorbers.

Desiccants, Deoxidizers, and Silica Gels

Make sure that you know what you are using to preserve your food! Desiccants are substances that actively remove moisture from the surrounding environment. They typically feature a high hygroscopic capacity, meaning they can easily absorb and hold water molecules. Common examples of desiccants include clay, silica gel, and activated charcoal.

Desiccants are used to prevent mold, mildew, and corrosion by reducing humidity levels in enclosed spaces such as storage containers or packages. They are particularly useful for preserving food, electronics, and sensitive documents.

Desiccants are highly effective in reducing moisture, maintaining the integrity of goods, and preventing spoilage or damage. However, their effectiveness is subject to various factors, such as the desiccant’s quality, the container’s seal, and the surrounding temperature. It is crucial to choose the appropriate desiccant based on moisture sensitivity levels and container sizes.

Desiccants have limited capacity and become saturated after absorbing moisture. Regular monitoring and replacement are necessary to maintain their effectiveness. Additionally, some desiccant materials, like activated charcoal, may release particles or gases that can be harmful if ingested or inhaled.

Silica gel is a desiccant composed of silicon dioxide and not iron powder and salt. It is commonly found in small permeable packets within product packaging. Silica gel acts by adsorbing moisture molecules in the surrounding environment to reduce the amount of oxygen, effectively reducing humidity levels and preventing condensation.

Silica gel packets are effective at reducing the relative humidity within sealed spaces, preventing corrosion, mold growth, and moisture-related damage, nearly as well as iron powder packets. They are commonly used to preserve leather goods, clothing, shoes, and electronic devices. Silica gel packets can be recharged and reused by heating them to release absorbed moisture.

Deoxidizers, often confused with an oxygen absorber, are primarily used to remove the oxygen present in packaging material before sealing. Unlike oxygen absorbers, they do not contain iron or oxygen-reactive compounds. Deoxidizers help maintain a reduced oxygen environment, which can be useful for certain products susceptible to oxidation, such as tea leaves, coffee beans, or dehydrated foods.

Oxygen Removal Misconceptions and Debunking Myths

In prepper communities, it is common to find misconceptions regarding deoxidizers and silica gel packets. Some believe that these products can single-handedly preserve food indefinitely. However, it is vital to understand that while both products are valuable aids in preservation, they cannot overcome other factors like heat, light, and the quality of the packaging material.

Store desiccants, oxygen absorbers, silica gel packets, and deoxidizers in a safe location, away from children and pets.

– Adhere to recommended storage conditions, such as temperature and humidity ranges, for optimal effectiveness.

– Dispose of used or saturated products according to local regulations, considering their potential environmental impact.

Desiccants, oxygen absorbers, silica gel packets, and deoxidizers play essential roles in preserving the quality, flavor, and lifespan of various goods by managing moisture and oxygen levels. Understanding their functions, effectiveness, and limitations, and debunking prevalent misconceptions is crucial for preppers and anyone seeking to protect their stored goods.

By following recommended guidelines, individuals can maximize the effectiveness of these products while minimizing potential risks associated with misuse. Utilizing these products alongside appropriate storage conditions and packaging techniques is key.

Foods Not To Use Oxygen Absorbers With

Foods That Give Oxygen Absorbers a Hard Time

Planning to use oxygen absorbers for your food storage?  Contrary to popular belief, oxygen absorbers aren’t the magical solution to all your food preservation woes. Sure, they’re great at eliminating oxygen, which aerobic bacteria need to survive, but they’re pretty useless when it comes to controlling moisture levels.

Make sure you know which foods are on the Oxygen Absorber no-fly list.

Oxygen absorbers function by removing residual oxygen from the packaging, preventing spoilage caused by microbial growth and oxidation. While this is highly effective for many food products, certain foods possess unique characteristics that make them unsuitable for storage with oxygen absorbers.

1. Natural Fats and Oils: High-fat content foods such as nuts, oils, and butter are prone to oxidation, leading to rancidity if not stored properly. The absence of oxygen accelerates the breakdown of fats and oils, resulting in unpleasant flavors and loss of nutritional value. Instead of using oxygen absorbers, it is recommended to store these foods in airtight containers and, in the case of oils, refrigerate them to maintain freshness.

2. Fresh Produce: Fresh fruits and vegetables continuously respire, consuming oxygen and producing carbon dioxide. Oxygen absorbers restrict this natural process, which can compromise the quality and texture of the produce. Instead, focus on properly preserving fresh produce by utilizing techniques like refrigeration, blanching, freezing, or canning to maintain their nutritional value and minimize spoilage. If you dehydrate the food, it can be stored in a Mylar bag.

Foods with excess moisture content, like your juicy fruits, crisp vegetables, and fresh meat, are prime candidates for spoilage through microbial growth. Even with all the oxygen sucked out, the moisture sticks around, creating a five-star resort for mold, bacteria, and other harmful organisms. If you use oxygen absorbers in this case, it is like installing a top-notch alarm system in your house but leaving the front door wide open. It gives a false sense of security while the real threat – bacterial and mold growth – is left unaddressed.

3. Fermented Foods: Fermented foods undergo a transformative process where bacteria or yeast convert sugars into acids or alcohol. This process often requires oxygen for successful fermentation. Using oxygen absorbers can hinder the growth of beneficial microorganisms responsible for fermenting foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, or kombucha. Opt for sealing these foods in an airtight container like jars or fermenting crocks to allow the necessary gas exchange.

Oxygen Absorbers and Foods With Leavening Agents

When seeking to increase your long-term food storage stockpile, proper preservation techniques are crucial to maintaining product quality and safety. Oxygen absorbers play a significant role in inhibiting spoilage, preserving freshness, and extending the shelf life of many food items. However, when it comes to foods containing leavening agents, such as yeast or baking powder, the use of an oxygen absorber can have adverse effects on the final product.

Leavening agents, such as yeast, baking soda, or baking powder, are instrumental in creating the desired texture and volume in baked goods. The presence of oxygen is vital for these agents to perform optimally during the fermentation or chemical reaction processes.

Yeast, for instance, requires oxygen to respire and grow, promoting fermentation. Without sufficient oxygen, yeast becomes less active or inactive, leading to poor or no fermentation. Consequently, bread may become dense, fail to rise, or result in an undesirable texture.

Similarly, baking powder relies on an acid-base chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide gas, which causes dough or batter to expand. A fresh Oxygen absorber can inadvertently absorb the carbon dioxide gas generated by the leavening agents, diminishing the volume and texture of the final baked goods – vastly extending their shelf life. Storing these goods in mylar bags is a far more viable option to safely preserve them.

Salt and Sugar: Natural Preservatives

Salt and sugar, known for their long shelf lives, possess unique properties that make them inhospitable environments for microbial growth. These substances, especially in their refined forms, have low water activity levels, rendering them inhospitable to bacteria, yeast, and molds.

Additionally, their high osmotic potential prevents the growth of microorganisms by drawing water out of their cells through osmosis. Together, these properties make salt and sugar natural preservatives, eliminating the need for additional measures like oxygen absorbers.

Salt and sugar already boast a low water activity level. The microbiological stability of these natural preservatives is not diminished by either the presence or absence of oxygen. In fact, attempting to remove oxygen from salt and sugar with oxygen absorbers may be counterproductive as it can cause hardening of the sugar due to moisture absorption.

The use of an oxygen absorber with salt and sugar can result in unintended consequences. As these absorbers work by removing moisture from the surrounding environment, they may inadvertently lead to clumping or caking of salt and sugar.

Once the oxygen absorber has removed moisture from the packaging, it has nowhere else to draw moisture from but the product itself. Moreover, the hardening caused by moisture absorption can make accurate measurement and usage difficult.

Don’t Waste Oxygen Absorbers On Nearly Spoiled Foods

Then there are the foods that have already started to spoil or are on the brink of it. If you think an oxygen absorber is going to be the knight in shining armor that saves the day, think again.

Oxygen absorbers aren’t miracle workers who can bring rancid food back from the dead. On the contrary, they might speed up the degradation process and make the food even less safe to eat, like pouring gasoline on a fire.

So, while oxygen absorbers can be an effective tool in your food storage arsenal, they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution. By understanding their limitations and using them wisely, you can get the most out of their benefits without compromising food safety.

When creating an emergency preparedness plan, knowledge truly is power. So, the next time you reach for your oxygen absorber packets, remember their strengths and weaknesses. Just like us, they’re not perfect, but they can do an excellent job when used correctly.

Many folks wrongly assume that oxygen absorbers are like a magic wand that can replace traditional preservation methods like refrigeration. This misconception is as risky as wearing flip-flops to climb a mountain.

Oxygen absorbers are great for extending the shelf life of many dry foods and low-moisture foods, but they are not a substitute for refrigeration. Perishable foods, especially dairy products and fresh meat, still need to be stored in a cool environment to ensure they remain safe it you want to maximize their shelf life.

So, the bottom line? Using Oxygen absorbers as an incredibly useful tool in your food storage shelf life arsenal, but they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s like using a hammer to screw in a light bulb — it’s not going to end well.

Why Certain Foods Shouldn’t Be Stored With Oxygen Absorbers

Why Certain Foods Shouldn't Be Stored With Oxygen Absorbers

Understanding the science behind food storage can help you make informed decisions and avoid common mistakes when you want to use oxygen absorbers. Let’s delve into the finer points and unravel the mystery.

Oxygen Absorbers and Their Limitations

Oxygen absorbers work a bit like magic, don’t they? They chemically trap and eliminate the oxygen within a sealed environment, effectively throwing a wrench into the life cycle of aerobic bacteria and certain types of mold that rely on oxygen to survive.

However, just like a magician can’t pull an elephant out of a hat, oxygen absorbers also have their limitations. They are powerless against anaerobic bacteria and have no control over moisture levels in food storage. This is a significant caveat, especially for foods that are moisture-sensitive.

So, while oxygen absorbers might be the superheroes of dry food storage, they’re certainly not omnipotent. Foods requiring an absence of oxygen and a dry environment, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats, aren’t ideal candidates for oxygen absorber preservation. Understanding these limitations is crucial for effective and safe long-term food storage.

Understanding Food Preservation Methods

Food preservation is a key component of emergency preparedness, and knowing how to properly store food for the long haul can make all the difference in a survival situation. But here’s the deal: not all preservation methods are created equal.

Depending on the type of food you’re dealing with, some techniques might be more effective than others. So, let’s dive into the world of food storage and lay down some tips to keep your use of oxygen absorbers safe and your pantry stocked and safe.

Foods That Should Be Stored With Oxygen Absorbers

Oxygen Absorber Alternatives

Water Bath Canning

Canning has been a tried-and-true method of food preservation since your great-great-grandma’s time, and for good reason. This process involves using a heat seal to protect food in Mason jars to create a sterilized environment in an airtight container after boiling it, to annihilate any lurking bacteria.

Now, before you start water bath canning everything in sight, remember: this method works best with foods that have high moisture content, like fruits and vegetables. Some foods, even if they have a high moisture content, must be pressure canned. Yes, food stored by canning can be a bit on the labor-intensive side, but when it comes to preserving your garden’s bounty, it’s a match made in heaven.


When you’re dealing with meats or other high-protein foods, dehydration or freezing are your best friends and will prevent food from being exposed to oxygen. Let’s break down why these two are the dynamic duo of meat preservation:

Dehydration is the Sherlock Holmes of food preservation. It sniffs out moisture content (which is basically a party invitation for bacteria) and removes it, reducing the likelihood of spoilage. The downside? It can change the texture and taste of the food. But hey, in a survival situation, beggars can’t be choosers. Dehydrated foods provide an oxygen free environment and have an incredibly long shelf life, and can also be stored in mylar bags.


Freezing, on the other hand, is like the time-stopper of food preservation and prevents food from being exposed to oxygen. Food stored using this method slows down the metabolic processes of bacteria and mold, effectively putting spoilage on pause. But remember, this method comes with its own set of challenges. You’ll need a consistent power source to keep the freezer at the right temperature. So, unless you have a backup generator or live in the Arctic, this might not be your best long-term solution.

Mylar Bag

While mylar bags are an excellent resource for storing food long -term, never store any food that contains a more than 10 percent moisture content in such a bag. Always dehydrate fruit, vegetables, and meats before placing them in a Mylar bag. A sealed Mylar bag is an efficient sealed container that can keep dry foods from being exposed to air for at least 6 months to a full 2 years – and beyond. A Mylar bag can be stored in metal cans or a 5 gallon plastic bucket for easy storage.

Mylar bags absolutely do not need oxygen absorbers to keep brown sugar, dry foods, or freeze dried foods shelf stable. This long term food storage option works perfectly as long as you are using a properly sealed bag. Place the Mylar bag in a sealed container to help prevent anything from puncturing it during storage and causing the dry foods from being exposed to air.

Vacuum Sealing

These food storage containers create an airtight seal just like a glass jar storage container, mylar bags, or mason jar. The can store dry food as well as liquids. As with dehydrated food, even baking soda, baking powder, this reduced oxygen packaging option will keep food safe as long as they are properly sealed.

The heat seal function on the machine can be used on mason jars as well as vacuum sealed bags- and protect food as well as being stored with oxygen absorbers. Dried foods may keep even longer than than liquids in vacuum sealed bags. A vacuum sealed bag works are well as an iron powder and salt oxygen absorber to recued the amount of oxygen the food is exposed to inside of the sealed container, just like a Mylar bag.

Vacuum sealing and mylar bags are perhaps the most effective and often used alternative to oxygen absorbers to absorb moisture, Glass jars would come in a close second to using oxygen absorber packets. A vacuum sealed bag protects any liquid or food placed inside without an oxygen absorber, so they are safe for items such as yeast, baking powder, baking soda, and brown rice.

More Ways To Preserve Moisture-Rich Foods

  • Nuts and seeds: Store them in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags in a cool, dark place to prevent rancidity.
  •  Oils and butter: Choose opaque containers and store them in cool, dark areas or refrigerate when required to slow down the oxidation process.
  • Fermented foods: Opt for airtight jars or specially designed fermenting crocks that allow gas exchange while still maintaining the necessary anaerobic environment.

Busting Food Storage Myths

Busting Food Storage Myths

In the world of emergency preparedness, understanding how to properly store food is crucial. One common method is using oxygen absorbers, but there are many misconceptions about how they should be used, and more importantly, when they shouldn’t be used.

Let’s debunk some of these myths and get you on the right track for safe and efficient food storage.

No ‘One Size Fits All’ with Oxygen Absorbers

Oxygen absorbers are not a one-size-fits-all solution for all types of food. This is a dangerous misconception that could lead to food spoilage or worse.

Each type of food has its unique preservation needs based on factors like moisture content, fat levels, and susceptibility to different forms of bacteria and mold. It’s essential to tailor your preservation method to the specific needs of each food type.

For example, oxygen absorbers are fantastic for preserving dry items like grains or legumes. They effectively absorb the oxygen in the sealed bag or container, creating an environment where bacteria and mold can’t survive. However, high-moisture foods like fruits and vegetables are a whole different ball game. Using oxygen absorbers for these foods can lead to spoilage and waste.

Oxygen Absorbers versus Desiccants

Another common area of confusion is the difference between oxygen absorbers and desiccants. While both are tools for food storage, they have very distinct roles.

Oxygen absorbers, as their name suggests, eliminate oxygen from the environment. This helps prevent the growth of oxygen-loving bacteria and mold, which can spoil food.

Desiccants, on the other hand, focus on moisture. They are like little sponges that suck up moisture from the surrounding environment. However, they do not absorb oxygen. They are typically used with foods where moisture is a bigger concern than oxygen levels.

Knowing the difference between these two tools is crucial. Using the wrong one can lead to unintended spoilage. It’s like using a hammer when you need a screwdriver – the result won’t be pretty!


Oxygen absorbers serve as silent guardians in the realm of food preservation, effectively extending the shelf life of various products. By preventing spoilage, reducing the growth of microbes, and preserving nutritional value, these small packets bring remarkable benefits to the table. While certain limitations exist, such as proper packaging and handling, the successful implementation of oxygen absorbers has proven effective in diverse food preservation scenarios. Embracing this powerful technique enhances food safety, minimizes waste, and ensures a consistent supply of quality food for consumers worldwide.

While oxygen absorbers are a powerful tool for preserving the quality and safety of many food products during long-term storage, it is crucial to recognize their incompatibility with certain foods. By understanding these limitations and implementing alternative storage methods, we can ensure the longevity and freshness of our food while emphasizing the importance of preserving food quality and safety.

So, do your homework. Understand the nuances of various preservation methods, including the use of oxygen absorbers. It may seem like a lot to take in at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be a food preservation pro in no time!

Looking for more tips on Storing food for emergency preparedness and survival? Check out our article about How To Can.
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